Thursday, 28 January 2010

Monday 25th January, 2010

My internet has been down and it’s been a nightmare not getting online and updating my journal. But it’s back on now so on with the updates...

Today was a decent day at work. I got a fair amount done trying to get my section back up to my standards. It’ll take me the rest of the week to get the whole section finished but I’m willing to put the work into it.

I’m so deeply in love with my fiancee. On Thursday we’re going to book our wedding. I’m nervous. I’ve changed my day off so we can book it. I hope we can get when we want it. I can’t wait to get married. Part of me can’t wait until it’s over just because I’m so nervous about it. I worry that I’ll faint or be sick or something equally embarrassing.

When fiance and I took the boys for a walk on the way back in we ran into a neighbour from the next close, she’s also a relation...cousin of my mums or something like that. She was out trying to find out where the loud music was coming from because she can hear it so loudly. It’s the drunk from upstairs. She’s so strange and makes such a noise through the night, especially at the weekend. I’ve lost count of the amount of nights I’ve been woken up with her ‘thumping’ about and running around the flat. I thought her kid was there at the weekends but last my mum heard she wasn’t allowed the kid anymore so it’s her that’s running around at three or four in the morning. I feel sorry for her but she’s so unpredictable I really don’t like living in the flat below her.

The neighbour from the next close is making a complaint to the council. If they come round then I’ll tell them exactly what it’s been like. We’ve finally found out who the horrid man from the next close is who’s been round threatening us about our puppies. Also tonight and yesterday our door went, we didn’t answer it, on both occations a guy left the close and went into a silver car. Yesterday the drunk from upstairs went in as well. We don’t know if it was him yesterday and today but it’ll be interesting to see it the same thing happens tomorrow.


Sunday 17th January, 2010

Internet has been off...been keeping a journal all the same...

I’ve only been in for a few hours. Was working until just before 6pm. It was a really good day today. Sales were great and all the other targets were hit. The new rota has me down for every second Sunday, at first I wasn’t too happy, I do like the extra money but Sunday’s are a bit of a pain in the arse but honestly if they are all like or close to today I’ll be quite happy to do them. Only thing that’s bad about it is that means I have to work a six day week. I’m off on Wednesday so only two more days and I’ll be off again. WooHoo!!!

Work is getting back to ‘normal’. The Christmas rush is long past and the ‘riots’ of the week between Christmas and New Year have passed too. It’s almost boring again getting used to not have so many people out buying.

Not long until my fiancée is home. She’s working until 10pm, it’s 9:37pm. I’ll need to go make our tea. I was lucky, when I went to pick up the boys from my mum and dad’s I got some grub there. My dad doesn’t think I eat enough, even though I am over weight. Thankfully the problem with cash means I’m not eating so much junk food so should shift some of the weight. I’m about 2stone over weight, well maybe that should be closer to 3 but anyway, if we can’t afford the junk I won’t keep the weight on...well in theory that’s my plan.


Saturday 16th January, 2010

Internet has been off...been keeping a journal all the same...

The Citizens Advice Bureau is always engaged when trying to phone and make an appointment or a recorded message says the opening times of the Bureau when my fiancee is calling during the opening times. We desperately need help but trying to get it is almost as bad as dealing with Capital One. They are still calling my work 3 times a day. It's becoming a daily nightmare. The bank is continuing to take charges from my account putting me over my limit so every month I'm paying them more money back. I'm desperate for the C.A.B. to answer their phones.


Wednesday, 6 January 2010

.:: F Word ::.

I've never been a huge fan but my huni likes it so we've been watching it over Christmas and New Year. I'll admit it is good. It's worth a wee look if you get the chance.


.:: Rings ::.

My huni and I exchanged 'Dean' rings. We love the TV show Supernatural and decided that we didn't want to get married but liked the symbolism of the ring exchange so decided that we get the Supernatural rings. It's a replica of the one the character Dean Winchester wears on the show. Pic of the ring...

After a while we talked and have now decided to get married. I'm excited and we've talked about the rings. We decided that we wanted 'Twilight' rings. There's been a couple that we've liked but money is an issue. For Christmas a friend gave us the 'Vampire' New Moon rings. They are so beautiful...

Something like this has a ring for a woman and one for a man. We were thinking maybe we could change the mans ring for one that would fit my huni, the woman's one fits me. To my surprise I opened a gift from my niece and there was another set of rings. This time it was the 'Wolf' New Moon rings...

They are very pretty. This time the woman's one fitted my huni perfectly. It's worked out brilliant. We worried for a moment about hurting someone's feelings about not using the rings they got us and the hassle of getting one of the rings changed but now we don't have to. We've also decided that the mans ring from each set will be put onto a chain and we'll wear the opposite one to the one we'll have on our finger. I'm so happy.


.:: The Rent Is Paid...I Didn't Need To Take My Clothes Off To Pay It ::.

It was a bit close but the rent got paid today. I had to phone, after ignoring a couple of phone calls, I know that doesn't help but at least we got there in the end. My mum and dad were great to lend me and my huni some money to make up the difference, we were £41 short. My huni's bank wouldn't let her transfer the money into an account that wasn't with her bank, I've never heard of a bank not being able to do that and then saying it's too late anyway but can be done tomorrow for a £25 fee!!! Eh, well no. So went right to the bank that my landlord is with and put it straight into their account. I really don't like the bank I'm with, they are all about taking your money and my huni's is all about doing nothing to help in any way. As soon as we can we'll open a joint account with a different bank.


.:: Not As It Should Be ::.

Went to the Citizens Advice Bureau but it's closed on a Wednesday! Bugger! My other half is going to phone tomorrow and make an appointment for us. Bit of a pain in the ass but hey, if they're shut there's not much we can do. I just hope that I'll be able to change my day off to attend the appointment.


Tuesday, 5 January 2010

.:: The Trouble With Money...Or Lack of Money ::.

My love and I have got ourelves into a financial mess. We're going to Citizen Advice Bureau tomorrow to make and appointment with them to talk over options and to see if they can talk to the credit card people for us. We can barely pay the rent and everything else is pretty much a month or two behind so we are really getting in a hole and I don't know how to get us out of it. I hope tomorrow will be the first step to getting us back on track.


.:: I'm Off Tomorrow ::.

Happy to be off tomorrow. I've only been back at work for two days after having 3 days off but I'm exhausted. Trying to get where I work back into shape after the holidays is a real nightmare.


Monday, 4 January 2010

.:: Civil Partnership ::.

I do believe in God. I read my bible, not as much as I used too but I still try to be a good person. When I marry my fiance I won't be able to reference God. I'm a touch saddened by this but not at all surprised. My fiance isn't religious in anyway so she's not bothered. I know for many people my marriage is wrong but for me and my girlfriend it is very right.


.:: It's All Over ::.

Yeah, so the big build up to Christmas and New Year and it's all quickly. It's been 2nd Christmas with my huni and it's bloody great with her. Soooo much in love.
