Thanks for reading.
Friday, 1 October 2010
.:: Taking a Sickie ::.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
.:: The Event ::.
I adore Laura Innes, she's an amazing actress. I have no idea what 'The Event' is but I will be watching until I find out. The first episode left me with so many questions, what is 'The Event'? Why is there a group of people hidden away, held prisoner? Laura Innes as Sophia is their leader but who are they? How many years have they been there since several Presidents haven't known they were there? Do they have powers? Are they mutants? At one point the President says that they are not Americans so where are they from? At the end of the first episode where did the plane go? Who made it disappear? There are so many more questions...I can't wait to watch the next episode.
I'm so happy Laura Innes is back on TV every very happy. Loves her very much.
Thanks for reading
Monday, 20 September 2010
.:: Scum ::.
When my wife and I got our cats we decided they would be house cats. There were several reasons for this, we live next to road, it’s not too busy but it’s busy enough with some boy racers, I’d hate my boys to get run over. Another reason is there was a nut job leaving out nasty stuff for cats to drink. Several cats died and others got extremely sick. Mary Bale might not have killed a cat but she did abuse it and who’s to say that she wouldn’t go on to do something even sicker? Hopefully if she’s convicted it’ll deter her and others from doing something more stupid.
Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
.:: Thunder & Lightening ::.
The 'mood' lighting came right back on but the main lights took the point we thought they'd all blew. Few minutes after they came on it happened again...all the lights went out. It was so quiet today that this was the best bit of the day.
As for the weather now...its beautiful.
Thanks for reading.
Monday, 6 September 2010
.:: Work ::.
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Saturday, 28 August 2010
.:: The Hours in 9 Minutes ::.
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Tuesday, 24 August 2010
.:: Scum ::.
She's recieved many threats and now has police protection. It's also been said that she commited no crime so won't be arrested. The cat spent at least 15hrs in that bin but the woman did nothing wrong in the eye of the law??? How can that be? I don't understand. She didn't hurt the cat by kicking it or throwing it against a wall or anything like that but what she did is not right and there should be a one should be able to put a cat in a bin and get away with it. The cat was a rescue cat so such treatment is so much worse for this kitty. It's so cold how she stood and stroked it and then put it in the's not something a normal person does.
This person's mother claims her daughter 'loves' cats. Read Here Bollocks! Her dad might be in hospital very ill but how does that explain what she did? I know people can do strange things when under stress but when was the last time you were stressed and picked up a living thing and put it in a bin? Most people are going to say never because no matter what, that's just not something you do.
I don't think this woman should be hurt by the outraged public but I do think there should be a punishment. Perhaps needing police protection is enough. I'm sure she'll be afraid to step outside her own front door...for a while her life is going to be a nightmare. The law can't do anything but the internet sure has played a part in having her punished.
Thanks for reading
Sunday, 25 July 2010
.:: The Event ::.
Thanks for reading
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
.:: Pride ::.
I can't wait to go next year. The stuff going on on the stage wasn't my thing and I didn't take much notice but there were a few stalls so bought a Pride flag and a fantastic t-shirt that says
'Queer...You can't beat the feeling'
Love it. Not sure if we'll take the boys next year. We were restricted in what we could do having the boys there but I did love having them there.
Now that I can update from my mobile I'll be updating more often I'm happy to say.
Thanks for reading
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
.:: Net Down ::.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
.:: Should Be Working ::.
When I work a Sunday I have to work a 6 day week and that's never fun. If I worked today I'd have been doing a 9 day 'week' because my holiday starts on Saturday so that's my day off this week and not my usual Wednesday. Very happy to split my 9 days up. So now I only have 5 days to work and then I'm off...sweet.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Sunday, 2 May 2010
.:: Day Off ::.
Monday, 26 April 2010
.:: Lip Service ::.
Saturday, 24 April 2010
.:: Ill...Very Ill ::.
Thursday, 22 April 2010
.:: Patti Again ::.
There are several versions of this Jim Steinman classic...the original Pandora's Box version is as close to perfection as you can musically get but the Patti Russo version is amazing, just her and piano...hope you enjoyed.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
.:: Patti Russo ::.
There is a Celine Dion version on YouTube that's really good and floating out there in cyber world there's a version by Karine Hannah that's simply amazing. If you can find it have a listen. Celine and Karine are good but when it comes to female vocals Patti is in a league of her own...awesome.
.:: Bonnie Tyler & Kareen Antonn Video ::.
.:: Total Eclipse of the Heart ::.
.:: Odd Little Girl ::.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
.:: Wedding ::.

We booked the wedding today...just over a month and I'll be's exciting and so weird all at the same time. I love my girlfriend and know we will be together forever. I can't wait to marry her.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
.:: New Moon on DVD ::.

Saturday, 27 March 2010
.:: Pups ::.

.:: Buffy ::.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010
.:: Pups Not Well ::.
.:: Does This Look Like A Dog To You? ::.

Friday, 19 March 2010
.:: All Good Things ::.

Saturday, 13 March 2010
.:: One Week ::.
Things I'd like to do this week...
- Tidy the big room
- Move the piano and bookcases into the big room
- Move the bed in the small room from the window
- Move things around in the living room
- Train the dogs to walk without pulling
- Train the dogs not to bark at people in the street
- Train the wee guy to come when calling his name
- Have my 34th birthday
- Have fun
- Walk lots
I am looking forward to this week off. Lots to do but most of it can be done within a day or so. Training the dogs will take a while but I'm hoping it won't take too long. Jasper is just over a year old and Captain Jack is about 9months so they should learn quickly. They don't bark at everyone in the street. They both truly dislike the woman who lives upstairs...she's an all out drunk and for some reason Jasper doesn't like the smell of alcohol. Although if he around while the alcohol is being drunk he's ok. Tonight I have a can of beer and a brandy and Jasper is fine with it. Anyone else that we come across where there is a strong smell of drink from them (including my dad who had been out at a pub quiz and who Jasper adores) Jasper goes nuts. I'm not sure how we tackle that. I guess there isn't anything we can do. I hope if he's trained right he'll stop barking at drunk people. Both boys aren't that bad but they aren't as good as they could be. It's not their fault it's ours. These boys are my first dogs and I admit I've made a lot of mistakes. When they were little I just let them pull and run about. I now realise that I should have been training them to walk properly from the first time they were on a lead. I'm excited about training them. Well I'll be training Jasper, my other half will be training Captain Jack. If anyone has any tips I'm all ears.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
.:: Corey Haim 1971-2010 ::.

Friday, 5 March 2010
.:: The Event ::.

.:: Happy ::.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
.:: We Went ::.
.:: And Again ::.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
.:: Killer Whale ::.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
.:: Off Tomorrow ::.
Anyways, moan over.
Monday, 15 February 2010
.:: Humph ::.
.:: Walked to Work ::.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
.:: Jasper & Captain Jack ::.

I always knew though that when I got older and got my own place I would get a dog. My girlfriend and I had talked about getting a dog. Just over a year ago I got my first pooch, my girlfriend grew up with a dog. We talked about what breed to get. My only stipulation was that it had to be below the knee when fully grown. We live in a flat, it's big enough with a long hall and loads of 'running' space but I didn't want a large dog. I'd never have thought of getting a beagle until my girlfriend suggested it and after reading up on the breed we decided a beagle would be a good breed for us. And so the search began. Just over a year ago my wife and I travelled to England and brought home our wee Jasper.

.:: Blushes ::.
Note to self...have a bit more patience...especially when it's something I can't control.
Now I'm off to surf some blogs.
.:: Blog Explosion ::.
Friday, 5 February 2010
.:: Bank Sucks ::.
My other half and I left and went and paid the rent then went to The Citizens Advice Bureau. We have an appointment...woo!!! The woman we spoke to (a volunteer) was so much more helpful, asked more questions and in general seemed to want to help us. The bank woman treated us as if we were taking up her time. Glad we got our C.A.B. appointment.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
.:: Twilight Saga: New Moon ::.

.:: Bank Tomorrow ::.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
.:: Meryl Streep...Oscar ::.

.:: The Hours ::.

Monday, 1 February 2010
.:: Tattoo ::.
.:: Money Issues ::.
We still can't get any response from the Citizens Advice Bureau so we've made the appointment with the bank. The C.A.B. is a big let down. I don't know what will come out the appointment at the bank...I hope it will stop all the charges coming off my account every month. I have my rent again this month but once more that is only because I took it out my account before it was eaten up by loads of other things that have gone unpaid because of bank charges and the bank credit card that has started to come off right away too.
I pray that when we leave the bank on Thursday we will have a plan in place that will mean my girlfriend and I have money for longer than a day after each of us has been paid!
.:: Glee ::.
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Monday 25th January, 2010
Today was a decent day at work. I got a fair amount done trying to get my section back up to my standards. It’ll take me the rest of the week to get the whole section finished but I’m willing to put the work into it.
I’m so deeply in love with my fiancee. On Thursday we’re going to book our wedding. I’m nervous. I’ve changed my day off so we can book it. I hope we can get when we want it. I can’t wait to get married. Part of me can’t wait until it’s over just because I’m so nervous about it. I worry that I’ll faint or be sick or something equally embarrassing.
When fiance and I took the boys for a walk on the way back in we ran into a neighbour from the next close, she’s also a relation...cousin of my mums or something like that. She was out trying to find out where the loud music was coming from because she can hear it so loudly. It’s the drunk from upstairs. She’s so strange and makes such a noise through the night, especially at the weekend. I’ve lost count of the amount of nights I’ve been woken up with her ‘thumping’ about and running around the flat. I thought her kid was there at the weekends but last my mum heard she wasn’t allowed the kid anymore so it’s her that’s running around at three or four in the morning. I feel sorry for her but she’s so unpredictable I really don’t like living in the flat below her.
The neighbour from the next close is making a complaint to the council. If they come round then I’ll tell them exactly what it’s been like. We’ve finally found out who the horrid man from the next close is who’s been round threatening us about our puppies. Also tonight and yesterday our door went, we didn’t answer it, on both occations a guy left the close and went into a silver car. Yesterday the drunk from upstairs went in as well. We don’t know if it was him yesterday and today but it’ll be interesting to see it the same thing happens tomorrow.
Sunday 17th January, 2010
I’ve only been in for a few hours. Was working until just before 6pm. It was a really good day today. Sales were great and all the other targets were hit. The new rota has me down for every second Sunday, at first I wasn’t too happy, I do like the extra money but Sunday’s are a bit of a pain in the arse but honestly if they are all like or close to today I’ll be quite happy to do them. Only thing that’s bad about it is that means I have to work a six day week. I’m off on Wednesday so only two more days and I’ll be off again. WooHoo!!!
Work is getting back to ‘normal’. The Christmas rush is long past and the ‘riots’ of the week between Christmas and New Year have passed too. It’s almost boring again getting used to not have so many people out buying.
Not long until my fiancée is home. She’s working until 10pm, it’s 9:37pm. I’ll need to go make our tea. I was lucky, when I went to pick up the boys from my mum and dad’s I got some grub there. My dad doesn’t think I eat enough, even though I am over weight. Thankfully the problem with cash means I’m not eating so much junk food so should shift some of the weight. I’m about 2stone over weight, well maybe that should be closer to 3 but anyway, if we can’t afford the junk I won’t keep the weight on...well in theory that’s my plan.
Saturday 16th January, 2010
The Citizens Advice Bureau is always engaged when trying to phone and make an appointment or a recorded message says the opening times of the Bureau when my fiancee is calling during the opening times. We desperately need help but trying to get it is almost as bad as dealing with Capital One. They are still calling my work 3 times a day. It's becoming a daily nightmare. The bank is continuing to take charges from my account putting me over my limit so every month I'm paying them more money back. I'm desperate for the C.A.B. to answer their phones.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
.:: F Word ::.
.:: Rings ::.
After a while we talked and have now decided to get married. I'm excited and we've talked about the rings. We decided that we wanted 'Twilight' rings. There's been a couple that we've liked but money is an issue. For Christmas a friend gave us the 'Vampire' New Moon rings. They are so beautiful...
Something like this has a ring for a woman and one for a man. We were thinking maybe we could change the mans ring for one that would fit my huni, the woman's one fits me. To my surprise I opened a gift from my niece and there was another set of rings. This time it was the 'Wolf' New Moon rings...
They are very pretty. This time the woman's one fitted my huni perfectly. It's worked out brilliant. We worried for a moment about hurting someone's feelings about not using the rings they got us and the hassle of getting one of the rings changed but now we don't have to. We've also decided that the mans ring from each set will be put onto a chain and we'll wear the opposite one to the one we'll have on our finger. I'm so happy.
.:: The Rent Is Paid...I Didn't Need To Take My Clothes Off To Pay It ::.
.:: Not As It Should Be ::.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
.:: The Trouble With Money...Or Lack of Money ::.
.:: I'm Off Tomorrow ::.
Monday, 4 January 2010
.:: Civil Partnership ::.
.:: It's All Over ::.