Me and my wee Beagle, Jasper --->

<--- My wee Border Terrier, Captain Jack
My two dogs are fantastic. I've always wanted a dog, when I was little my sister and I always asked for one but my dad, quite rightly at the time, always said no because there was no one in through the day to look after it and he knew that my sister and I wouldn't do most of the walking/training/poop-clean-up. I know that it was the right thing for us as a family and at least no poor dog was bought and discarded when the novelty wore off.
I always knew though that when I got older and got my own place I would get a dog. My girlfriend and I had talked about getting a dog. Just over a year ago I got my first pooch, my girlfriend grew up with a dog. We talked about what breed to get. My only stipulation was that it had to be below the knee when fully grown. We live in a flat, it's big enough with a long hall and loads of 'running' space but I didn't want a large dog. I'd never have thought of getting a beagle until my girlfriend suggested it and after reading up on the breed we decided a beagle would be a good breed for us. And so the search began. Just over a year ago my wife and I travelled to England and brought home our wee Jasper.
Then talk started about getting another dog and 6months or so later we searched again for another pup. This time we decided on a Border Terrier and the search was on for our new 'baby'. As soon as we saw a pic online of Captain Jack and his brothers we knew that he was ours. He is more my girlfriends dog, he took to her more than me and I do love him the same as Jasper but he goes to her more than me and Jasper comes to me more than my girlfriend. He's such a playful, loving little guy. He was so full of energy that we were sure that he and Jasper would get on fine and they do. The boys played together from day one and haven't stopped...exhausting sometimes...I wouldn't change it for a second.
I love the walking. It gets me off my butt and out. I am a couple of stone over weight. I'm not a healthy person, I'm not unhealthy but I don't do much to make up for my unhealthy food intake so getting out and walking a couple of times a day or more when I'm off is a good thing for me. I love the boys, I had no idea that you could love a dog as much as I love my boys. Dogs are great pets. They are great companions. They are fun and if you're thinking of getting a dog, Beagles and Border Terriers are great family pets. Both dogs get on great with my sisters kids who are ages between 6 and 19. My mum and dad love the fellas and look after them for us when we are out. I think my dad wishes he had gotten a dog years ago.

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