A lovely big whale has killed someone and maybe others...perhaps it's time to set these creatures free. How many must die before we realise these animals are not happy? If there was no sea/oceans etc. left of the planet then yeah, a giant pond to keep them from going belly up would be fine, I suppose, but as it is they do not have the freedom they should have which means they do not have the life they should have.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
.:: Off Tomorrow ::.
A day off. I'll make the most of it. In the space of 14 days I'll be working 12 out of those 14 days. I'm feeling so sleepy already. I got my period, my back hurts and I'm soooo hungry. Oh did I mention this is a moaning entry? And did I mention how my 'shift' button is missing and doesn't always work? It's a pain in the butt.
Anyways, moan over.
Anyways, moan over.
Monday, 15 February 2010
.:: Humph ::.
Well turns out my mum figured out that I walked to work and she went mental. I had to go see her and she gave me bus fare, even though I was quite happy walking. She's worried that I'd get hurt or something. I really wanted to walk, get a lift or the bus home or if I felt up to it I'd walk home. My mum and dad and even my other half ain't that keen. So, for now, I'll be getting the bus. But on days off I'll be going for long walks with the boys and hopefully my lovely girlfriend.
.:: Walked to Work ::.
I walked to work today...I really enjoyed it. I walked home too and that was just as good. It'll save me some cash and hopefully get me a little bit more in shape. I know that this will last as long as I can't aford to pay for the bus fare but I hope that I'll keep it up after I get paid. If nothing else I would like to keep the walking to work and maybe getting the bus home at night so I have more time with my family.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
.:: Jasper & Captain Jack ::.

Me and my wee Beagle, Jasper --->

<--- My wee Border Terrier, Captain Jack
My two dogs are fantastic. I've always wanted a dog, when I was little my sister and I always asked for one but my dad, quite rightly at the time, always said no because there was no one in through the day to look after it and he knew that my sister and I wouldn't do most of the walking/training/poop-clean-up. I know that it was the right thing for us as a family and at least no poor dog was bought and discarded when the novelty wore off.
I always knew though that when I got older and got my own place I would get a dog. My girlfriend and I had talked about getting a dog. Just over a year ago I got my first pooch, my girlfriend grew up with a dog. We talked about what breed to get. My only stipulation was that it had to be below the knee when fully grown. We live in a flat, it's big enough with a long hall and loads of 'running' space but I didn't want a large dog. I'd never have thought of getting a beagle until my girlfriend suggested it and after reading up on the breed we decided a beagle would be a good breed for us. And so the search began. Just over a year ago my wife and I travelled to England and brought home our wee Jasper.
Then talk started about getting another dog and 6months or so later we searched again for another pup. This time we decided on a Border Terrier and the search was on for our new 'baby'. As soon as we saw a pic online of Captain Jack and his brothers we knew that he was ours. He is more my girlfriends dog, he took to her more than me and I do love him the same as Jasper but he goes to her more than me and Jasper comes to me more than my girlfriend. He's such a playful, loving little guy. He was so full of energy that we were sure that he and Jasper would get on fine and they do. The boys played together from day one and haven't stopped...exhausting sometimes...I wouldn't change it for a second.
I love the walking. It gets me off my butt and out. I am a couple of stone over weight. I'm not a healthy person, I'm not unhealthy but I don't do much to make up for my unhealthy food intake so getting out and walking a couple of times a day or more when I'm off is a good thing for me. I love the boys, I had no idea that you could love a dog as much as I love my boys. Dogs are great pets. They are great companions. They are fun and if you're thinking of getting a dog, Beagles and Border Terriers are great family pets. Both dogs get on great with my sisters kids who are ages between 6 and 19. My mum and dad love the fellas and look after them for us when we are out. I think my dad wishes he had gotten a dog years ago.

Border Terrier,
Captain Jack,
.:: Blushes ::.
Erm yes, well I may well have got moody and posted so about Blog Explosion taking ages to add me and what happens as I post that? I get my BE visit. *FACE GOES RED* What are the chances? So now I'm added and I'm happy. *SMILES*
Note to self...have a bit more patience...especially when it's something I can't control.
Now I'm off to surf some blogs.
Note to self...have a bit more patience...especially when it's something I can't control.
Now I'm off to surf some blogs.
.:: Blog Explosion ::.
It's been over a month and I'm still waiting to be excepted by Blog Explosion. I have another journal and when I joined BE that time I was added within a couple of days. Its a shame because BE was great once. I know its not what it used to be but I never thought it would ever be this slow. Wonder if its possible to volunteer to help go through applicants.
Friday, 5 February 2010
.:: Bank Sucks ::.
Went to the bank yesterday. Pointless. The woman was no use at all. All she did was look at the floor, scratch her head and then say 'I don't know what I can do for you'. This was repeated several times. My other half was sitting where she could see the screen and the woman kept opening and closing the same windows. She gave us a number while saying 'I'm not sure I'm giving you the right number'. Then she gave us another number this time she said 'I think that's the right one'. That was a real confidence builder!!!
My other half and I left and went and paid the rent then went to The Citizens Advice Bureau. We have an appointment...woo!!! The woman we spoke to (a volunteer) was so much more helpful, asked more questions and in general seemed to want to help us. The bank woman treated us as if we were taking up her time. Glad we got our C.A.B. appointment.
My other half and I left and went and paid the rent then went to The Citizens Advice Bureau. We have an appointment...woo!!! The woman we spoke to (a volunteer) was so much more helpful, asked more questions and in general seemed to want to help us. The bank woman treated us as if we were taking up her time. Glad we got our C.A.B. appointment.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
.:: Twilight Saga: New Moon ::.

I love the movie 'New Moon'. I've only seen it once and I love it. I can't wait to see it again. 22nd March it'll be out on DVD...I CAN'T WAIT!!!
I love Carlisle Cullen (as you might have guessed from my blog title/pic). When I saw Twilight he was my fave. There was just something about him...I'm not sure what it was. He was calm and sweet and in New Moon he was even better. March 22nd ain't that far away. Come on the March...I'm off the week before it's release (getting married and all that) so it's something to look forward too going back to work and seeing New Moon on the shelves. SWEET!!!
.:: Bank Tomorrow ::.
Tomorrow I'm off to the bank with my girlfriend. I have no idea if the bank people will be able to help us with our financial problems. If nothing else I hope they will stop the charges and that should help a little at the end of the month when I get paid. I hope we walk out tomorrow with something positive.
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
.:: Meryl Streep...Oscar ::.

WooHoo!!! Meryl Streep has another Oscar nomination...Sweet. Its for her role as Julia Child in 'Julie & Julia'.
I regret to say I've not see it yet. It's out on DVD soon. I love Meryl Streep and wish I'd had the money to go and see her in this movie. She's so bloody good.
.:: The Hours ::.

I love how in the book 'The Hours' the character Clarissa Vaughan thinks she see's Meryl Streep on the set of a movie and in the movie version of 'The Hours' Clarissa Vaughan is played by Meryl Streep.
Monday, 1 February 2010
.:: Tattoo ::.
Want another tattoo so much but can't afford it. When my girlfriend and I have worked on getting our cash flow under control we'll try and save for our next tats.
.:: Money Issues ::.
Got an appointment with the bank on Thursday to see a financial advisor. Was supposed to be on Wednesday but I was asked at work if I could change my day off, I told them that if I could change my appointment then it wouldn't be a problem.
We still can't get any response from the Citizens Advice Bureau so we've made the appointment with the bank. The C.A.B. is a big let down. I don't know what will come out the appointment at the bank...I hope it will stop all the charges coming off my account every month. I have my rent again this month but once more that is only because I took it out my account before it was eaten up by loads of other things that have gone unpaid because of bank charges and the bank credit card that has started to come off right away too.
I pray that when we leave the bank on Thursday we will have a plan in place that will mean my girlfriend and I have money for longer than a day after each of us has been paid!
We still can't get any response from the Citizens Advice Bureau so we've made the appointment with the bank. The C.A.B. is a big let down. I don't know what will come out the appointment at the bank...I hope it will stop all the charges coming off my account every month. I have my rent again this month but once more that is only because I took it out my account before it was eaten up by loads of other things that have gone unpaid because of bank charges and the bank credit card that has started to come off right away too.
I pray that when we leave the bank on Thursday we will have a plan in place that will mean my girlfriend and I have money for longer than a day after each of us has been paid!
.:: Glee ::.
Only just got into the wonderful world that is Glee. I'm really enjoying it. 'Single Ladies' was brilliant...a football team dancing in the middle of the field was genius. The music isn't always my thing but for the most part I'm loving it.
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