Sunday 25 July 2010

.:: The Event ::.

It's not long until The Event. I can't wait. Laura Innes is one of the stars. I love it already and I've seen only clips of bits and pieces, few interviews and reading up on the Comic-Con premiere of the pilot episode. I'm all tingles with excitement.

Thanks for reading

Wednesday 21 July 2010

.:: Pride ::.

I went to my first Pride on Saturday. It was so much fun. My wife and I took our dogs...they were a big hit. The 'gays' love beagles and border terriers. Jasper and Captain Jack loved the attention...all the claps and so many people wanted to take their picture. Pity I can't find any online. We bought little pride bandana's and put them round their necks...made them look cuter than they already are.

I can't wait to go next year. The stuff going on on the stage wasn't my thing and I didn't take much notice but there were a few stalls so bought a Pride flag and a fantastic t-shirt that says

'Queer...You can't beat the feeling'

Love it. Not sure if we'll take the boys next year. We were restricted in what we could do having the boys there but I did love having them there.

Now that I can update from my mobile I'll be updating more often I'm happy to say.

Thanks for reading