Friday 1 October 2010

.:: Taking a Sickie ::.

I woke up this morning and so badly wanted to phone in sick to work. I didn't but the temptation was there. I can't be arsed with everything changing only to go back to how it was and then be told 'yeah, it'll be changing again next year' WTF? Are the PTB just taking the piss now? Can't be arsed. Lets see what today brings.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

.:: The Event ::.

If you've not seen 'The Event' yet you just have too. Please watch it because it is just awesome. I've only seen the first episode...will watch the second tomorrow. Here's a Laura Innes clip...

I adore Laura Innes, she's an amazing actress. I have no idea what 'The Event' is but I will be watching until I find out. The first episode left me with so many questions, what is 'The Event'? Why is there a group of people hidden away, held prisoner? Laura Innes as Sophia is their leader but who are they? How many years have they been there since several Presidents haven't known they were there? Do they have powers? Are they mutants? At one point the President says that they are not Americans so where are they from? At the end of the first episode where did the plane go? Who made it disappear? There are so many more questions...I can't wait to watch the next episode.

I'm so happy Laura Innes is back on TV every very happy. Loves her very much.

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Monday 20 September 2010

.:: Scum ::.

Mary Bale, the scum that put the cat in the bin a while back has been charged with two counts of animal cruelty. About bloody time.

When my wife and I got our cats we decided they would be house cats. There were several reasons for this, we live next to road, it’s not too busy but it’s busy enough with some boy racers, I’d hate my boys to get run over. Another reason is there was a nut job leaving out nasty stuff for cats to drink. Several cats died and others got extremely sick. Mary Bale might not have killed a cat but she did abuse it and who’s to say that she wouldn’t go on to do something even sicker? Hopefully if she’s convicted it’ll deter her and others from doing something more stupid.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

.:: Thunder & Lightening ::.

When I went to work this morning the rain wasn't too heavy but it was windy. It rained on and off all day. An hour or so ago it came down hard then started thunder & lightening. All the lights went out in the shop I work. Took a moment to figure it out.

The 'mood' lighting came right back on but the main lights took the point we thought they'd all blew. Few minutes after they came on it happened again...all the lights went out. It was so quiet today that this was the best bit of the day.

As for the weather now...its beautiful.

Thanks for reading.

Monday 6 September 2010

.:: Work ::.

Work has been very quiet and its getting quieter. Little worried...what if it doesn't improve? I've been told my job is safe but can I believe that? Over the last year or so many shops have doesn't look good.

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Saturday 28 August 2010

.:: The Hours in 9 Minutes ::.

I keep coming back to the movie/book 'The Hours'. I can’t get enough of it and the soundtrack is awesome. Phillip Glass is an outstanding composer. This video has many spoilers, it’s basically the movie in’s so well done...if you’ve not seen the film skip this until you have seen it.

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Tuesday 24 August 2010

.:: Scum ::.

Most people will have heard about the sick woman who put the cat in the bin. She's been named as Mary Bale. If you've not read about it here's a video...

She's recieved many threats and now has police protection. It's also been said that she commited no crime so won't be arrested. The cat spent at least 15hrs in that bin but the woman did nothing wrong in the eye of the law??? How can that be? I don't understand. She didn't hurt the cat by kicking it or throwing it against a wall or anything like that but what she did is not right and there should be a one should be able to put a cat in a bin and get away with it. The cat was a rescue cat so such treatment is so much worse for this kitty. It's so cold how she stood and stroked it and then put it in the's not something a normal person does.

This person's mother claims her daughter 'loves' cats. Read Here Bollocks! Her dad might be in hospital very ill but how does that explain what she did? I know people can do strange things when under stress but when was the last time you were stressed and picked up a living thing and put it in a bin? Most people are going to say never because no matter what, that's just not something you do.

I don't think this woman should be hurt by the outraged public but I do think there should be a punishment. Perhaps needing police protection is enough. I'm sure she'll be afraid to step outside her own front door...for a while her life is going to be a nightmare. The law can't do anything but the internet sure has played a part in having her punished.

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Sunday 25 July 2010

.:: The Event ::.

It's not long until The Event. I can't wait. Laura Innes is one of the stars. I love it already and I've seen only clips of bits and pieces, few interviews and reading up on the Comic-Con premiere of the pilot episode. I'm all tingles with excitement.

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Wednesday 21 July 2010

.:: Pride ::.

I went to my first Pride on Saturday. It was so much fun. My wife and I took our dogs...they were a big hit. The 'gays' love beagles and border terriers. Jasper and Captain Jack loved the attention...all the claps and so many people wanted to take their picture. Pity I can't find any online. We bought little pride bandana's and put them round their necks...made them look cuter than they already are.

I can't wait to go next year. The stuff going on on the stage wasn't my thing and I didn't take much notice but there were a few stalls so bought a Pride flag and a fantastic t-shirt that says

'Queer...You can't beat the feeling'

Love it. Not sure if we'll take the boys next year. We were restricted in what we could do having the boys there but I did love having them there.

Now that I can update from my mobile I'll be updating more often I'm happy to say.

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