Tuesday 24 August 2010

.:: Scum ::.

Most people will have heard about the sick woman who put the cat in the bin. She's been named as Mary Bale. If you've not read about it here's a video...

She's recieved many threats and now has police protection. It's also been said that she commited no crime so won't be arrested. The cat spent at least 15hrs in that bin but the woman did nothing wrong in the eye of the law??? How can that be? I don't understand. She didn't hurt the cat by kicking it or throwing it against a wall or anything like that but what she did is not right and there should be a law...no one should be able to put a cat in a bin and get away with it. The cat was a rescue cat so such treatment is so much worse for this kitty. It's so cold how she stood and stroked it and then put it in the bin...it's not something a normal person does.

This person's mother claims her daughter 'loves' cats. Read Here Bollocks! Her dad might be in hospital very ill but how does that explain what she did? I know people can do strange things when under stress but when was the last time you were stressed and picked up a living thing and put it in a bin? Most people are going to say never because no matter what, that's just not something you do.

I don't think this woman should be hurt by the outraged public but I do think there should be a punishment. Perhaps needing police protection is enough. I'm sure she'll be afraid to step outside her own front door...for a while her life is going to be a nightmare. The law can't do anything but the internet sure has played a part in having her punished.

Thanks for reading

1 comment:

  1. I have never understood how a person can be this heartless. The only police protection she deserves is to be protected in prison for a couple of years.
